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Apple Cider Vinegar | A Magical Drink | Weight Loss & Other Benefits
ByAnurag Sharma on
Apr 22, 2018

Apple Cider vinegar has gained prominence as a fat burner supplement. However it is not something which has been recently discovered, it has been around for thousands of years. This is much more than  just a fat burner. It has numerous other benefits.[1]

How is Apple Cider Vinegar made?

There are the following steps involved in the production of Apple cider vinegar

1.)Apples are crushed and made into a liquid.

2.)Bacteria and yeast are added to the liquid to start the fermentation process.

3.)This fermentation results into the conversion of sugars into alcohol.

4.) The alcohol is then further fermented into apple cider vinegar.What is Mother of vinegar?

In ACV particularly, “the mother” is a complex structure of beneficial acids that seem to have health benefits. Unrefined vinegars have a murky appearance and typically still contain the mother culture. Clear and pasteurized vinegars typically do not contain the mother culture and don’t carry the same benefits.

Refined and clear vinegars are great for cleaning as they don’t leave residue. Raw, unfiltered and unrefined versions contain many more beneficial properties for culinary uses.

Weight Loss Benefits

Acetic acid (AcOH), a main component of vinegar. The effects of vinegar intake on the reduction of body fat mass in obese Japanese was consucted[2]. The subjects were randomly assigned to three groups of similar body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference. During the 12-week treatment period, the subjects in each group ingested 500 ml daily of a beverage containing either 15 ml of vinegar (750 mg AcOH), 30 ml of vinegar (1,500 mg AcOH), or 0 ml of vinegar (0 mg AcOH, placebo). Body weight, BMI, visceral fat area, waist circumference, and serum triglyceride levels were significantly lower in both vinegar intake groups than in the placebo group. In conclusion, daily intake of vinegar might be useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity.

Anti Glycemic Effect

The Glycemic Index(GI) is a relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods on how they affect blood glucose levels. When trying lose weight foods with a low GI should be preferred over foods with relatively higher GI. Apple cider vinegar has some anti-glycemic properties.

Beneficial on high protein diets

Guanidine is a by product of protein metabolism. High levels of guanidine can cause a lot of problems. These include various reactions of alkalosis and calcium depletion—muscle twitching, cramps, neurotic pains of the migrating type and aggravation of all allergic reactions [3,4].Apple cider vinegar can help our bodies in managing  guanidine and keeping it under safe levels.

Calcium mal absorption

When stomach acid is low it can cause problems with the absorption of various minerals. Calcium being one of them. A link has been found between calcium osteoporosis and calcium mal absorption. Apple cider vinegar claims to increase stomach acid which can increase calcium absorption[4] .







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